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Hugo theme : Iðunn

This is a simple, fast and privacy-friendly Hugo theme.


To install Simple-site theme, you can simply clone the repository to your site's theme directory.

$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone simple-site

Don't forget to change the theme in your config.toml file.



baseurl = "" # The base url of your Hugo website
title = "Title"                 # The title of your website
author = "Author"               # The author of the website
language = "fr"
theme = "idunn"           # The Hugo theme


You can use some parameters to fill meta tags and bases images:

	description = "" # Description for the meta tag
	favicon = ""     # Favicon URL
	logo = ""        # Logo URL


It is possible to basicaly change some colors:

	main = "green"     # Color of the footer
	alt_text = "black" # Color of the text above 'main' color

Custom CSS

	custom_css = ["style.css"] # Your own css files

If you want to have some informations about you in the footer, you can set it with thoses parameters:

	email = "mail@serve.ur"    # The mail of your company
	phone = "+41 22 123 45 67" # The phone number of your company
	address = "Your address"   # The address of your company

Social Networks

You can also set some of your networks accounts. Thoses options are availables:

	500px = ""
	codepen = ""
	facebook = ""
	flickr = ""
	github = ""
	gitlab = ""
	instagram = ""
	linkedin = ""
	mastodon = ""
	peertube = ""
	pinterest = ""
	pixelfed = ""
	tumblr = ""
	twitter = ""
	youtube = ""