
162 lines
3.4 KiB

% Copyright note: This package define a formation title
\ProvidesPackage{formationTitle}[2019/10/01 v.0.4.0 a formation title
Gregory Trolliet]
%Set the actual language, #1 for english and #2 for french
\newcommand*{\@context}{\texttt{\string\context} currently
not set, please fix this.}
\title{Workshop plan}
%\newcommand*{\@supervisor}{\texttt{\string\supervisor} currently
%not set, please fix this.}
\item Messages 1
\item Messages 2
\item Messages 3
\item Objective 1
\item Objective 2
\item Objective 3
& \\
\@objectivesTitle\unskip\strut\par & \@messagesTitle\unskip\strut\par \\
\@objectives\unskip\strut\par & \@messages\unskip\strut\par \\
\dumblang{supervised by}{supervisé par}\par
{\large \@date}
\textbf{\dumblang{Hour}{Heure}} \\
} &
\textbf{\dumblang{Theme, content}{Thème, contenu}} \\
} &
\textbf{\dumblang{Style, method}{Forme, méthode}} \\
} &
\textbf{\dumblang{Teaching methods}{Moyens didactiques}} \\
(\dumblang{With what}{Avec quoi}?)
} &
\textbf{\dumblang{Learning goals}{Objectifs pédagogiques}} \\
{ }
} \\