# Formation plan A simple formation schedule to better organize trainings. ## Getting started ### Logo By default, the logo is the logo.pdf file. With the command `\logo` it is possible to change it. ### Context The command `\context` defines the context in which this training will be given. ### Subject The subject of the training is specified by the command `\subject`. ### Subtopic An optional short sentence to describe the subject or to clarify it. The command `\subtopic` allows you to configure it. La commande `\subtopic` permet de la configurer. ### Objectives The objectives of the training are defined by the command `\objectives`. They will often be on several lines, that is not a problem. ### Messages Similar to the objectives, the command `\messages` allows us to define the messages we want to convey to learners during the training. ## Authors * Gregory Trolliet - Initial work - [Website](https://trolliet.info) ## Licence This project is licensed under the WTFPL License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details.